jueves, 21 de abril de 2016

Description of a celebrity

In L/L Writing with the teacher Victoria Gregov , we have to make a description of a famous person that we have chosen without saying his name.Here is my description:

He was born the 27 of June of 1999 so he is 16 years old. He lives in Atlanta, EEUU. He has a father called William and no mother and brother.The first time I saw him , was making an action movie in a zombie serie in 2010.

He is 1, 63 tall, he has blue eyes , black and long hair and he is thin and strong

He loves football and American Football.He loves to meet with his school mates and his friends of the serie where he acts.

He is a very young actor with a big fututre in acting . He has been an actor since he was 6 years old , he started his carreer in 2005 , and he loves it.

He recived an award for the best young actor of the 2014 and an award for the best serie in 2014

In  my opinion he is the best actor of "The Walking Dead"cast and he acts as my favourite character in the serie .His name is Chandler Riggs and he acts as Carl Grimes , the son of the main character of "The Walking Dead"

lunes, 11 de abril de 2016


Curar contenidos es importante para Fisico Quimica porque hay mucha variedad de contenidos.Dejo un ejemplo de curacion de contenidos que hicimos en Físico Quimica

Sigue el tablero Soluciones y solventes de juli en Pinterest.

Pin 1: Es un video sobre mezclas homogéneas y heterogéneas

Pin 2: Es un video que explica masa , volumen y densidad

Pin 3: Habla sobre los moles

Pin 4: Es un dibujo de quimica

martes, 5 de abril de 2016

sábado, 2 de abril de 2016

Instituciones de la República Romana

Tuvimos que hacer un mapa mental sobre las características de las instituciones de la República Romana. Lo hice con Julian Cueli.

viernes, 1 de abril de 2016