miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

The story of my life.

17 June 2020

Lets start with the story of my life.  My name is Osvaldo, but my family call me Osvi.I was born in BsAs, the 20 June 2003, nowadays I have 17 years old .In my school I was the most popular person, but when a new boy called Robert entered the school.... I became the "Nerd" or "Loser".
All days I enter school at 6:00Am to 5:00Pm they bother , bully and hit me .That is scary, I have to walk very carefully in school because when someone sees me , they hit and bully me. It is strange, I changed for being  the most popular kid to the loser . My only friend is my dog called Max. Max is very friendly and nice .My family tells  me to change my looks because they bully me because of that. I was very stupid  to believe them, now they call me Osvi the Emo, , because my looks . But one day I was so angry that I started to hit the new guy and the HEAD fired me from school , do I will pass the rest of my life in a very bad school that is commanded by militar soldiers.I am writing this diary because I dont have any friends.

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