domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2016

History Views

In the class of history we had to explain two points of view.This is the result.

The tsar regime was control
Historians have furiously debated this question since 1917.  There are two main views. Go into de attached to read  the two views.

After reading, work with your mate. One of you finds evidence to support view 1 and the other does the same for view 2 using information in the book. Then write,  each of you, a long paragraph (no less than 300 words) showing your results.

View 1 : At 1914 the regime was not stable at all . They didn't have enough factories to produce a lot of munition to ,the first world war there was a huge  increase   of …… .The tsar regime was control

View 2: The Russian revolution was only a matter of time because of many factors. The tsar was weak , leader whose government did not run the country well. The aristocrats , middle class and army officers had lost faith in the tsar as a leader. A lot of strikes broke out all over Russia. Those strikers were supported and joined by members of the army and workers classes. Even thousands of women were on strike. Another factor was rumors of an affair between the tsarina and Rasputin , because of that group of leading aristocrats murdered Rasputin. Another cause was that the tsar regimen had lost the support and loyalty of the people. The workers were deeply resentful because their living and working condition had improved little despite. The wealth produced by a rapidly developing industry. The peasant would only be satisfied when they owned the land reform but most peasant lived very poor lives. The middle classes wanted a say in government. The tsar refused to this demand and would not work with the duma , even during the war. Another factor was that the Russian army had done  badly in the war , losing many lives , and the  tsar was held responsible for this. The military failures of the war were  questioned death , competence of the tsar and government.  The war caused extreme shortage in st. Petersburg leaving an angry strike  discounted population which exploded in march 1917.  The average worker's wage in that year was 5 roubles. A day,  with that you could buy in those times 1/3 of a bag of flour , 3/4 of a bag of potatoes and 0.8 kilograms of meat. At the end of march 1917 revolution , the revolutionaries and began taking control of food supplies to the city. They set up soldiers , committees , undermining the authority of the officers. The tsar was not in charge of that situation any more. On march he issued a statement .

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